My Grown Up Christmas List
Last year I posted my grown up Christmas list. I kept it light and somewhat humorous because that was where my thoughts led me. This year, however, my list is very different.
I wish that no more parents have to bury their child over foolishness.
I wish for an end to bigotry, intolerance, ignorance, and hatred.
I wish corporations would value people over profits.
I wish suicide bombings were something we only read about in history books.
I wish there were no toy guns.
I wish the village actually took responsibility for raising its children.
I wish soldiers died of old age instead of before their twenty-fifth birthdays.
I wish beauty was in the eye of the beholder.
I wish it wasn’t okay to profit on the misery of others.
I wish cancer was a thing of the past.
I wish people treated each other as well as they do their animals.
I wish politicians were paid minimum wage.
I wish people used their genius for good.
I wish farmers were paid to produce good, nutritious food instead of getting paid not to farm.
I wish sex wasn’t confused for love.
I wish there were no more baby daddies or baby mommas, just loving and dedicated parents.
And like last year, I wish for the spirit of Christmas to last throughout the year.