Alicia Wiggins

I have been writing for many, many years. The funny thing is that I never aspired to be a writer. I kind of happened upon writing by first being an avid reader and then testing the waters with writing my first novel – Unconditional Love.
I often get asked how I come up with stories and characters. It’s not hard! There are stories and interesting characters all around us. You just have to open your eyes to the world around you and tune your ears to conversations swirling all around. Once you pair the right characters with the right story, it’s like magic! In addition, I think it’s important for a good writer to be an avid reader. They go hand in hand.
Another question I’m often asked is whether or not my characters are based on my life. That question always makes me laugh! While I have a pretty good life, it’s not romance novel material.
I am an Ohio native and a graduate of Central State University and Franklin University.
What do I like to do when I’m not writing? I love watching cheesy horror movies, cooking, traveling, and exploring the wonderful local sights and sounds of my hometown.