Loving Todd (a short story)
It isn’t exactly hard to love Todd. But it isn’t easy either. But I knew what I was getting into. I walked in to this relationship...

Just One Wish
Vacations. Reading a good book. My house filled with family, friends, good food, and lots of laughter. Snowy days when I’m “forced” to...

"I'm So Angry!"
My almost three-year-old grandson enjoys watching a TV show where the characters introduce new words during every episode. Each show has...

This Is Love
There is an older couple at my church that I’ve known for a long time (all my life). Over the years I had many occasions to observe...

Press Pause
This is the time of year we are inundated by holiday cheer – twenty-four hour a day Christmas music, sparkling lights, and some of the...

Another Birthday...Yippee!
My daughter-in-law, Sarah, turned thirty this month. I think she felt a little weird (old) about reaching the big 3-0, but hey, age is...

The Measure of Love
How do you measure love? In today’s world it’s often measured using material things as a ruler. But that’s not really love. It’s...

Happy Father's Day!
Today is Father’s Day. I didn’t forget, although I’m not very timely with my musing this month. I think fathers may feel as if they get...

Missing You, Mom
Sunday, May 14 marks Mother’s Day in the United States and I know similar days are celebrated in other countries around the world. ...

Thank You For Being A Friend
Do you have someone that you’d like to thank for being a friend? Then you’d better get to thanking! Recently, my seven-year-old niece...